Showing posts with label mantra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mantra. Show all posts

My Life Mantra's

I often catch myself repeating certain phrases, which help me in difficult moments. These are called mantras, like magical words that truly empower a person.

"Use your word impeccably" - This mantra is from "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz (an excellent guidebook, by the way). One's word should not be devalued or made cheap, as a person is valued by their word.

"So what" - This is a mantra my doctor often used to advise me when I was too anxious. It is excellent for people who worry too much, especially about trivial matters.

"Speak softly and carry a dog with you" - This is my favorite, although it promotes passive aggression. However, it should beshould be used as a necessary means.

Dont take anything personally

"Don't take anything personally"
- Again, Miguel de Ruiz. This is the most difficult for me to apply, although it is the most important for keeping a peaceful mind.
